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[Tutorial] How To Create Circle Indicator In ViewPager2 With Kotlin Android

 Hi There, Folks, ViewPager2 is one of the most know API in the android application development process as it gives you some cool user experience like a carousel effect, so if you have seen the web page carousels it will have a round indicator at the bottom to notify the user in which page they are in, kind of like a page number, this is a good user experience though, so previously we have created our viewpager2 with recycler view adapter if you have missed our previous tutorials look below

 Viewpager2 Android Kotlin Example With Sample Code

What is a ViewPager in Android?

As you can see this is a carousel type of view, to present an array of data in a single view to be displayed as a page, with a swipeable option to navigate from one page to another. This will provide users a better experience in presenting the contents on the page. You can learn how to implement a view page in android here : 

kotlin android viewpager2 circle indicator example

ViewPager Indicators:

ViewPager indicators or a type of view or in any form to indicate the user what they are currently viewing or where they are at in the order of pages, so for example if the user is viewing a list of images in a gallery-like view as in from our previous example we want to tell that user that he is viewing the first second or whatever the image he is viewing, not only that if we are providing view pager with category of views like, Home, Purchase, Sold and Cart in this case we want to tell the user that they are currently viewing the purchase section of the page, Although this one is easy if you have implemented tab layout to whereas it will basically support viewpager2 to be connected with it and indicate the currently active view. 

But here comes the tricky part if you were to indicate the user in the old fashioned way or more of a cool UX  and want to implement a circle indicator in viewpager2, we have to put in a little effort though, trust me to circle indicators or cool if you were using the to show a sequence of images, and the most commonly used place for this use case is in an application's walkthrough, a screen where you have to attract the user by proving some cool circle indicators on the walkthrough, which is obviously a viewpager2 of let's add some circle indicators to our viewpager2.

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How to add circle indicators to viewpager2 in android with kotlin:

Here are the simple steps that you have to do in order to have a circle indicator in your viewpager2, Just in case if you have missed it, Learn How to Create ViewPager2 In Android With Kotlin, lets continue here

Once you have added your viewpager2 then add a tab layout after that just like below,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        android:layout_height="match_parent" />



This is a normal tab layout that has some attributes that were set to make our condition satisfy, which is to add a circle indicator to our viewpager2.

The additional attributes we have defined are 

these are the attributes to be defined to get a circle indicator in viewpager2, what each attribute means is simple,

app:tabBackground="@drawbale/viewpager_indicators" is the main attribute as this is where we define out drawable to make the indicators circle

app:tabGravity="center" to define the gravity of the circle indicators

android:transilationY="16dp" this is'nt actually necessary, because this only lower the view a little bit, this is added advantage if you want your indicator to place a little bit lower and in case if you want to move the circle indicators up use negative valuse like -16dp,
also you can use android:transilationX="-100dp" to move the indicators to the left and positive values to move it to right

app:tabIndicatorHeight="0dp" to hide the default bottom higlighter of the tablayout

Once you have added these attributes to your view pager you have to create a selector file which should define the circle indicators of you can use a image instead,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/viewpager_selected" android:state_selected="true"/>
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/viewpager_not_selected"/>

Above is the selector file which is under the drawable folder, for this file we need two more drawable it show, which is the state files when selected and not selected

For selected drawable

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" 
	android:shape="rectangle" >
    <item android:height="16dp" android:width="16dp" android:start="8dp" android:end="8dp">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle">
            <solid android:color="@color/purple_500"  />
            <corners android:radius="32dp"/>
            <size android:width="16dp" android:height="16dp" />


Note: This file requires Build SDK version 23

For not selected drawable

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" 
	android:shape="rectangle" >
    <item android:height="16dp" android:width="16dp" android:start="8dp" android:end="8dp">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle">
            <solid android:color="@color/black"  />
            <corners android:radius="32dp"/>
            <size android:width="16dp" android:height="16dp" />



Note: This file requires Build SDK version 23

Once you have added all the drawable for our circle indicator, its time to connect our viewpager2 with the tab layout

package com.madtutorials.viewpager2example

import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.viewpager2.widget.ViewPager2
import com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayout
import com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayoutMediator
import com.madtutorials.viewpager2example.adapter.ImageViewPagerAdapter

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        val viewPager = findViewById<ViewPager2>(R.id.viewPager)
            viewPager.adapter = ImageViewPagerAdapter()
        val tabLayout = findViewById<TabLayout>(R.id.tabLayout)
        TabLayoutMediator(tabLayout,viewPager){tab, position ->



This is the same main activity file from our previous example, the extra lines of code that were added here are

        val tabLayout = findViewById<TabLayout>(R.id.tabLayout)
        TabLayoutMediator(tabLayout,viewPager){tab, position ->


In the above lines of code what we are doing is that we are connecting the viewpager2 with the tab layout with TabLayoutMediator since we are only showing circle indicators, there is no need to do any more implementation here. This will automatically take care of everything.

kotlin android viewpager2 circle indicator
Sample Output: Android ViewPager2 With Circle Indicator


Here we are completing the tutorial by successfully adding a circle indicator to our viewpager2, in a nutshell, all we have to do is add a tab layout and set background with selector drawable that has circles and then finally connect with our viewpager2. Thanks for spending your time reading. You can get the sample code from GitHub

Download Full Code: Github Link


kotlin android viewpager2 circle indicator sample code

kotlin android viewpager2 circle indicator example

kotlin android viewpager2 circle indicator 

android viewpager2 circle indicator sample code

viewpager2 circle indicator sample code

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